This is just Mark's way of letting you know that we are looking for volunteers. Over the next couple of months, we will be making a big push to add to our volunteer base. If you are 13 or older (under 13 must be accompanied by an adult), love animals, and have a desire to make a difference for the homeless pets of Clinton County, WE NEED YOU!
There are many ways you can help us. We have a list of ways to volunteer further down this page, and there are many more things you can do in addition to those. Please contact us if you or anyone you know is interested in joining us. You can call the shelter (check our hours, listed below to the right) at 765-654-7717, email Rick at ploughe@geetel.net, Lou Ann at louden@ffni.com, or Lisa at lisaristow@comcast.net. We look forward to hearing from you! By the way, Mark wants to know what you're waiting for!
1 comment:
Just a side note on Mark. He was rescued last Thursday, along with over a dozen of his friends, by From the Heart Rescue! Thanks again to Peggy and Bill and all who help with that wonderful group!
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