Mick, a young border collie/Aussie mix, only had to wait a little over a week to find his new forever home thanks to petfinder! His new owner drove from Ontario on Saturday to adopt Mick after seeing him on our website. Mick reminded him of his dog who recently passed away. It was love at first sight. Mick was giving him kisses and jumped right in his car which is a good thing with his long trip home. His new owner promised to send photos once Mick gets settled in Ontario.
Wow! This story is a testament to the power of the internet to bring people and pets together! Some people might think it's odd for this guy to drive so far to adopt Mick. The readers of this blog understand. Most of us would do the same thing! Good luck to Mick and his new friend!
That young man must have really loved his other dog to make such an effort to find one similar. I'm sure Mick won't be the same as the other dog, but I'm sure he'll be very special in his own way. He's a beautiful dog!
Thank you so much for making the long journey to adopt one of our pets. Best wishes to you and Mick!
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